Friday, July 3, 2009

Ultomato Tomato Support Ultimately too Short

It's been about 4 weeks since I planted my Brandywine tomato and 2.5 weeks since I put Sungold in the pot.  My Ultomato support seems like it will be too short for these tomato varieties this summer.  The plants are already halfway to the top.  So I decided to revise them by replacing the provided stakes with the tallest stakes (6 ft) I could find.  I also added another set of the cross-pieces.  Unfortunately, I had to buy another Ultomato to get these cross-pieces since they don't sell them individually.  This gives me another foot of space at the top, and my plan is to attach smaller stakes to the very top later on, if needed.  My Husky Cherry Red tomato isn't growing as tall so I left the original stakes in place.  I'm trying to plan ahead for my huge late summer harvest!

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