Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh No! Late Blight.

We have a serious problem here.  Late blight has struck 3 of my 5 tomato plants.  Some sources say this means certain death, but I'm going to play my odds and try a copper fungicide spray.  It's an organic spray, but can be damaging to the soil.  Since my vegetables are in containers I'm not as worried about it building up in the soil.  Late blight has been a huge problem this year due to the cool, damp weather and possible contamination of plants by "big box" stores.  Unfortunately, I bought some of my plants from "Big Box Lowes".  Next year I will definitely buy my plants from local greenhouses or start my own seedlings at home.  


Kenneth Moore said...

Hi Stacey,

I just found your blog after doing searches for tomato blight. It is a shame--I do hope your tomatoes come through it!

How is the copper fungicide working for you?

Stacey said...

So far, so good. I've sprayed the copper fungicide twice now - once a week at the highest strength. It seems that the plants are doing okay since they are developing fruit and look healthy overall. However, I do see some signs of the blight on a few stems, and some of the leaves are getting yellow. Thanks for the comment, and I sure hope I get some tomatoes this year!